Aerobic conditioning

Chad is an avid golfer. He wishes to improve his golf game and is very motivated to get started on a training program. Chad has exercised regularly for the past 8 years and is in good physical health. Most of his exercise has been aerobic in nature with only a small amount of resistance training.
1. Using the information above, calculate the client’s BMI.
2.Calculate the client’s BMR.
3.Calculate the client’s target heart rate at 60% and 80% using the Karvonen formula.
4.Discuss fitness tests or methods of evaluation that should be used to assess the client, providing rationale for your recommendations. Be sure to address the specific conditions presented by your client.
5.Provide a detailed, comprehensive, 12-week periodized training program, including specific sets, repetitions and exercises, utilizing an integrated approach. You do not need to use all the provided rows.

6. Discuss nutritional strategies and supplement recommendations with a rationale for your choices.
**My answers for these quetions above:
# For question 1 ans is:180/(74*74)=0.0338*704.5= 23.2
# Question 2:
Lean factor 2 = .95
BMR = 1964 * .95 = 1866
#Question 3:
220-55-80=85*.6+80=131 for 60%
220-55-80=85*.8+80=148 for 80%
# quetion 4:
First, list those factors that determine a good golfer. Aerobic conditioning really is not a significant factor and since he is already training aerobically, we probably don’t have to test for aerobic capacity (VO2Max) unless you want to get a baseline level and then integrate aerobic exercises into your routine. Assuming you do, obtain the baseline VO2Max. For the most part, golf is basically a game involving intermittent explosions of strength followed by long periods of rest. As such, you also do not need to obtain lactic acid levels since that won’t be a contributing factor to outcome.
Factors that do contribute more significantly to a golfer’s abilities include grip strength, shoulder and arm strength, upper and lower back strength, and upper leg strength. Since Chad has only 12 weeks to get into better shape, pick a set of exercises that are 1) basic and/or 2) sport specific.
A. Grip Strength/Forearms (Basic and sports-specific exercises will follow each muscle group listing)
Measure with a manometer. This is basically a one-rep maximum (1-RM) measurement. The 1-RM will be used to measure baseline strength and then to re-evaluate progress at six weeks and again at the end of the 12-week cycle. 1-RM can be calculated by using tools such as this one: Keep this site in mind because it will also be used to determine pounds and repetitions during each microcycle phase.
. Wrist Curls
. Reverse Wrist Curls
. Grippers
B. Shoulders
Do 1-RM for the following exercises and record. Again, these will be the exercises used throughout the 12-week mesocycle. As an aside, the exercises can be changed after 12 weeks in order to enter a second meso-cycle.
1. Military Press
2. Shoulder Shrugs
C. Upper Arms
1. Biceps Curls
2. Triceps Extensions
3. Shoulder Horn for External Rotators (very important for golfers):
These exercises highlight an important part of weight-training: exercise opposing muscle groups. Otherwise, the athlete will get a relative over-training of one muscle group which increases the risk of injury. While upper arm training is pretty obvious as to why you exercise opposing muscle groups, there are other less obvious areas of concern. Note too that we have Chad doing Reverse Wrist Curls too.
D. Upper Back
1. Lat Pulldowns
2. Opposing muscle group: Bench Press
E. Lower Back
1. Dead lift
2. Opposing muscle group: Crunches
F. Upper Leg
1. Leg Extensions
2. Leg Curls
3. Squats
G. Lower Leg
While not as important to golfing success, an unbalanced lower leg will lead to shin splints, Achilles Tendon problems, and plantar fasciitis. Since most humans by nature have over-developed posterior leg muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus), we need to exercise the anterior tibialis muscles, too. Chad can do this by lifting cloth bags filled with sand or he can purchase a T-shaped bar using a dorsiflexion movement with weights.

#Quetion 5 :
Week 1-2:++ Monday:
Lat Pulldowns; 10-15 reps,1-3 sets.
Bench Press; 10-15 reps,1- 3 sets.
Dead Lift; 10-15 reps,
1- 3sets
Crunches: 10-15 resps, 1-3 sets
++ Tuesday:
Leg Extensions :12-16 reps,
1-3 sets.
Leg Curls : 12-16 reps, 1-3 sets.
Squats : 12-16 reps, 1-3 sets
Aerobic : Run 10 minutes.
++ Wed: Rest
++Thursday: do like Monday
++Friday: do like Tuesday
++ Sat : rest
++ SUn: Rest
Week 3-4 (12-16reps,2-3 sets) ; week 5-6(8-10 reps, 4 sets); week 7-12(6-8 reps,5-6 sets) these weeks do the same week 1-2.

#Question 6:
This is basic knowledge and the keys are correct nutrition and nutrient timing.
A. Prior to each work-out, ingest a whey protein shake of 25gms of protein and 5 grams of creatine.
B. Within 45 minutes post-workout, ingest another 25gms of protein as a protein shake but mix it into grape juice which helps the amino acids get into the muscles (via insulin). This is mandatory.
C. Consume a large meal within 2 hours of every workout, including aerobics
D. Breakfasts should be a combination of protein (for example eggs) and some fruit to replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores.
E. Ingest a whey protein shake at bedtime the night of each workout.
F. I recommend the following supplements (you will need to determine if they are acceptable to your teacher or not):
1. Fish oil, 2 capsules per day
2. Multivitamin once a day with a meal
3. Creatine 5 gms per day
4. Vitamin C, 1 gm per day in divided doses (it’s water soluble)
5. L-Carnitine, dose varies on body weight
6. Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc tablets at 500mg/250mg/50mg per day.
G. Eat organic as much as possible. The less processed the food the better. Try to consume a fermented product per day. Except for the first post-workout meal, eat low on the glycemic index.

I got a mail :
That being said, there are a few changes to other areas of your examination that do need to be addressed and changed as you did not meet the 75% minimum. With regard to your case studies you failed to adequately address the fourth, fifth and sixth questions on case studie. With regard to your fourth question you failed to provide a medical clearance, establishing your fees and defining your client’s goals. Please review Unit 12 (Program Development)and 13( Basic Assement Of Fitness Participants) in your text book. With regard to your fifth question, you failed to provide a rationale or validation behind your recommendations regarding the frequency, intensity, time and type of cardiovascular, resistance training and flexibility for the exercises in case studie. Please refer to Unit 14( Training Principles), Unit15(Periodzation)and 16 (Determining Training Loads)for your corrections. With regard to your sixth question you failed to provide a comprehensive nutritional strategy for each client, not just including the 1-2-3 approach or zig zag approach, but going beyond your clients BMR and providing what they would need from protein, carbohydrates and fat. You can also use the sample case study as a guide for what we are expecting as the bare minimum.

Can you please help me out? I am so busy. If you need something else please email me . Thanks alot. Have great day.

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