Select no fewer than five and no more than seven academic refereed scholarly works that relate broadly to the topic of your major research paper. A refereed or peer reviewed publication is one that has been blind reviewed – that is, the reviewers do not know who wrote the proposed publication and the author of the publication does not know who has reviewed their work – by at least two qualified peer reviewers. This is why simply using your Google Browser and, poof, presto, your research is done is not an acceptable method of research. Almost all library books and journal articles found in university data bases have been peer reviewed. If you have any doubts contact your tutor. So, this will take some effort on your part.
************************************************** SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: Begin the assignment with a brief paragraph (three to five sentences) explaining your response to the question chosen, either one of the above questions or an alternate that you have discussed with your tutor. Whatever question you choose to examine, clearly explain your position on the question in the first paragraph of the assignment. This is essentially a statement of thesis upon which you will build your research essay (Assignment 3). Note that this thesis statement must be fairly specific. For instance, if you selected question 2, it is not sufficient to say you are going to examine the matter of judicial independence and judicial review in a liberal democracy. We ask why liberal democracies shield judges from political interference and whether judicial review should entail a relaxation of this traditional non-interference. Accordingly, we want to see an answer to these questions, not simply a restatement of the question. Afterwards, provide a précis, or summary, of each work selected. Summaries will be one paragraph containing between three to six sentences (totalling 60 to 80 words). Précis that exceed 80 words are going to result in a poorer précis so be very careful to use your words wisely. Each précis should describe succinctly the work’s (1) thesis (i.e. what the work demonstrates), (2) evidence that develops or proves the thesis, and (3) relevance of the chosen article to the thesis of your own proposed research essay. The annotated bibliography must be submitted and marked prior to submitting the major research paper.
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