Classic Case Study
Below are listed several classic case studies and biographies of children that have in some way had a vastly different rearing experience than the average child. Some of these children were abandoned, neglected, abused, or have lived with an extreme difference that heavily influenced their development and in some way isolated them from family or society. Any one of these texts will demonstrate the important role that social interaction plays in development—be it the type of interaction or lack of interaction.
You will select 1 of these cases for study. You will read the listed book for that case, as well as find a minimum of 2 other scholarly/academic/professional sources that also provide insight into these cases. The sources may be other books, (but not your textbook), academic journals or papers highlighting the case. This may include information such as follow-up investigations, treatments or interventions for the case, etc. You don’t want just a repetition of the information already available to you in the text—do some digging.
As you are reading the book, and the 2 other selected sources, you will be keeping a reflective journal in your blog. It is expected that you would make several blog entries, so you may want to break the book and other readings in to sections. The journal will give a brief synopsis of the information that you read, your thoughts as you read the material, and any connections you are making between the reading and the course material.
At the conclusion, you will write a paper/case study (about 5-7 pages) summarizing the case and analyzing the child\’s development as compared to \”normal\” physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development, and why/how the differences or similarities occurred.
Case Studies/Biographies:
Case: Genie
Genie: A Scientific Tragedy, by Russ Rymer
Case: Dave Pelzer
A Child Called \”It\”: One Child\’s Courage to Survive -AND- The Lost Boy: A Foster Child\’s Search for the Love of a Family (BOTH books), by Dave Pelzer
Case: David Reimer
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl, by John Colapinto
Case: Victor
The Wild Boy of Aveyron , Harlan Lane
The Forbidden Experiment, by Roger Shattuck
Case: Helen Keller
The Story of My Life: The Restored Edition (Modern Library Classics), by Helen Keller
Case: Kaspar Hauser (and other cases demonstrating Psychological Dwarfism)
The Kaspar Hauser Syndrome of \”Psychosocial Dwarfism\”: Deficient Statural, Intellectual, and Social Growth Induced by Child Abuse , by John Money
Multiple Cases Discussed (focus on treatment & healing)
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist\’s Notebook–What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love, and Healing, by Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz
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