Prepare a Mock Concept Paper Write your mock Concept Paper using the Concept Paper template found on page 3 Follow the template guidelines for each section. 1. Write an Introduction describing your topic. Draw freely on your work in Activity 1. 2. Write the Statement of the Problem section. 3. Describe the Purpose of the Study. Include the results of your power analysis. 4. State your Research Question and your null and alternative hypotheses. Be sure that your question aligns with your purpose. 5. Write a Brief Review of the Literature. Be sure to include the five studies from Activity 8 and all relevant sources from your previous course work. 6. Complete the Research Methods section (including the Operational Definition of Variables, Constructs, and Measurement sub sections) using your work in Activity 8. Follow the instructions in the CP template. Be sure to: a. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your envisioned design and methods. b. Identify threats to validity and how your design will address them. c. Justify why your chosen design and methods are more appropriate for your research question than alternatives you have considered. d. Define the constructs you will measure and what you will do in order to determine how to operationalize them. e. Describe the sample you propose to study and its characteristics; this should include, but is not limited, to: 1) age; 2) gender; 3) ethnicity; 4) additional cultural factors; and 5) education level. Justify your choice of sample. f. Describe your method of sampling. g. Describe the type of data you need to collect and how you will collect it. h. Briefly describe any ethical issues you foresee with your study. Make a preliminary assessment of the level of risk associated with participation in your study that might need to be raised with the Institutional Review Board. i. Describe and justify how you will analyze your data and the descriptive statistics will you present. j. Explain how you conducted your power analysis. k. Describe how you will handle your data, check for accuracy etc. l. What problems do you foresee in implementing the design? How might you prevent them? Support your paper with a minimum of 7 resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Design a research study that uses a quantitative design. HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE Milestone document templates are pre-formatted to conform to University dissertation requirements. Templates include the required section headings for each milestone document. Refer to the corresponding Applied Degree Guidebook for supplemental information for each chapter and section. Milestone Document Templates represent the standards of the research and academic communities for research writing. Also, the Concept Paper Template (CPT) provides the framework for the structure and content of the Dissertation Proposal, which, in turn, provides the framework for the Dissertation Manuscript. Therefore, it is important for students’ Concept Papers to strictly adhere to the templates in terms of content, organization, and format. In addition, the template serves as a valuable guide to the logical flow of the document, ensuring alignment among the problem, purpose, and methodological design and analysis, allowing the reason for, and the nature of, the study to be fully clarified. Adherence to the milestone templates in terms of content, organization, and format will greatly facilitate the development of acceptable milestone documents throughout the dissertation process. Enter text directly into the template. Eliminate template instructions and example text. Do not change the format, section headings, margins, page numbering, or font. Exceptions to APA 6th edition (e.g., 1.5 inch margin on the left, single-spaced references) unique to dissertations are reflected in the templates and take precedence over APA format. Refer to the Dissertation Center for current resources. Milestone documents submitted to the Graduate School that are not formatted using the template will be returned without review. Submission of a milestone document for Graduate School Review indicates that the dissertation chair, student, and committee have read the Dissertation requirements described in the Doctoral Candidacy Resource Guide, guidebooks, and templates. Additionally, submission for Graduate School Review indicates that the dissertation chair and committee have carefully read the student’s milestone document and attest that it meets all of the requirements set forth. Table of Contents Introduction 1 Statement of the Problem 1 Purpose of the Study 2 Hypotheses 4 Definition of Key Terms 5 Brief Review of the Literature 5 Summary 7 Research Method 7 Operational Definition of Variables 9 Measurement 10 Summary 11 References 12 Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography 13 Introduction [Text…Introduce the dissertation topic in one or more paragraphs (2 pages maximum). The study topic should be briefly described to establish the main ideas and context. Include recent, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources to support each assertion. Note: Do not describe the study purpose or method in the introduction as these belong in later sections. Statement of the Problem (Approximately 250) Articulation of a concise problem statement is the key to a successful proposal/dissertation manuscript and typically requires many revisions before the proposal is approved. The problem statement is a brief discussion of a problem or observation succinctly identifying and documenting the need for and importance of the study. Note: Ensure that the concepts presented in the problem statement lead to and align directly with the Purpose Statement. Use of a “logic” map is highly recommended in order to ensure direct alignment and avoid “surprises” among the key elements: problem purpose research questions proposed method and design. Purpose of the Study The purpose statement should be one concise paragraph that describes the intent of the study and it should flow directly from the problem statement. Specifically address the reason for conducting the study and reflect the research questions. Begin the purpose statement with a succinct sentence that indicates the study method and overarching goal. Research Questions Before listing the research questions, introductory information should be presented in a discussion context. The research questions are to be distinct and answerable, given the identified constructs/phenomenon and population. Quantitative: Research questions are included and the question list is followed by corresponding list of proposed hypothesis(es). Ensure the research questions and hypothesis(es) are aligned with the purpose statement. The research questions and hypotheses must be directly answerable, specific and testable based on the data collected. Hypotheses Both null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses must be stated. Each must directly correspond with a research question. Hypotheses must be stated in testable, potentially negatable, form with each variable operationalized. Note: Each hypothesis represents one distinct testable prediction. Upon testing, each hypothesis must be entirely supported or entirely negated. H10. [Null Hypothesis Text…] H1a. [Alternative Hypothesis Text…] Definition of Key Terms [Text (optional)… Term 1. Definition (APA citation). Term 2. Definition (APA citation). Term n. Definition (APA citation). Brief Review of the Literature Research Method Because the research plan is in the concept paper stage, a highly detailed research design is not expected. The concept paper, however, provides a foundation for the next step in the dissertation process, the development of the proposal. A well-conceived, well written and well researched concept paper serves as a foundation for the remainder of dissertation work.. Measurement [Text…Provide a brief description of how study data will be collected, measured and analyzed. Describe the proposed instrument. Although a highly detailed description is not required at the CP stage, study variables must demonstrate appropriateness to the study purpose and meet the assumptions of the proposed statistical tests. Summary [Text…Briefly restate the key points, study purpose and proposed research plan.]
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