In this assignment you will be required to analyse the structure and motion of a particular robot. The structure and parameters of the robot will be different for each student and the required parameters may be obtained by running a MATLAB script which can be accessed through eBridge. You may also obtain the diagrams of the robots given below for inclusion in your reports from eBridge. You should submit a report on your investigation covering the tasks listed below and commenting on the significance of your results. The report should not exceed 10 pages including figures. You may wish to use the Robot Assist package to help in visualisation of your robot. A CD with this software is available but must be returned after installation.
The tasks you should complete are as follows:
- Determine which of the robot structure you are to use from those given below and determine its parameters by running the robot_param script and entering your student number. robot_param may also give other information about the specific robot. Make sure your report includes your student number and the parameters derived. Note that all distances are given in metres and angles in radians. If you are unclear about the meaning of any of the parameter etc, please see me.
[1 mark]
- Assign co-ordinate frames to the structure using the Denavit-Hartenberg convention. These should be shown on a diagram of the robot. Complete the parameter table for your arm. If there is more than one possible way to assign the coordinate frames, identify the choice you have made.
[3 marks]
- Derive expressions for the forward and inverse kinematics for the robot. Identify any singularities which exist in the kinetics.
[6 marks]
- Determine the working volume of the robot. This should be a diagrammatic representation of the working volume, not a specific value. You may wish to present different views of the workspace in order to clarify its size and shape.
[3 marks]
- Determine whether the locations A and B (as generated by the robot_param script) lie within the robot’s workspace. If they do not, choose two points which do. Calculate the joint variables required to move the tip of the robot to A and B.
[2 marks]
- Calculate the joint trajectories required to move the tip of the robot from point A to B along a straight line in Cartesian space at constant velocity in the time specified by robot_param. Plot the Cartesian and joint trajectories as functions of time.
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