Education: Oral Language Course: Pre-schoolers

Oral Language Course: Pre-schoolers (4-5)
The class preparation time is crucial to ensure the achievement of the objectives set by the teacher. This paper makes the best effort to highlight the importance of pre-planning, and the aspects to be included in the planning. Therefore, depending on the school, the goal is to encourage the development of linguistic and communicative competence in, children, as well as, provide students with various communicative contexts in which they find an opportunity to use the language in various purposes. Teaching oral communication to the preschoolers should enable the development of communicative competence of the child, which means you have to provide the necessary opportunities so he/she can access social conventions that help them know when they can or should speak, when it suits, etc., to interact effectively in different communicative situations he/she  will be immersed in throughout life.
Learning Environment
The area needed for this will be in the classroom.  A blackboard, dry erase board, and markers are necessary for the children to expand their intellectual thinking on a subject. Resource books with clear information and diagrams are also needed. The child learns to speak by living in society. Learning to communicate through speech, first in the family context, then increases their linguistic repertoire from interaction with others and finally develops oral communication in schools from their previous knowledge, in various contexts, especially in the formal which must incorporate certain conventions and the use of specific linguistic resources.  Developing orally implies giving children an extremely useful tool for socialization and its development as a subject of knowledge, to the extent that as in many situations. One way to develop oral language at the preschooler level is through play, as it is considered the fundamental activity of the child and is the principle that guides the educational activity. It is a way of interacting with reality and learning.
Activities and Elements of the Lesson Plan
In working alone or in in groups, the children will learn how to speak.  Through it, children will express their feelings, fears, affections and fantasies. It is also important for the development of the child, as it contributes to their psychological, social learning and the laws of the physical world and the growth of intelligence. The students will be doing the following:
• Develop and strengthen their confidence in their own abilities and expressive     communication through spoken language;
• Strengthen their ability to express, to share ideas, feelings, experiences, desires and             preferences showing interest in being heard and understood;
• Use the word as a creative tool; and
• Describe objects, people, events, etc.
1. Game #1- Who is in the hat?
Randomly from a box, pull two or three hats and place them on the board. Ask the students to complete the figures according to what the hat simulates to them. Once they are finished drawing, ask who these characters are and how they can relate to each of them.
Example: A king and a witch – Are they friends? Will the witch want to bewitch the king? Why? Are they going to do something together? Are they fighting? Why?
2. Continue activity 1
The day after the completion of activity one, the teacher will lead a story with characters selected through hats by the students (the king if they chose a crown, a witch if they chose a witch’s hat, a cowboy, etc.) and leave the open ending for the story so each child can provide an oral story as they wish the story to end.
3. Game #2 – Match the shoes!
At the end of the week, the teacher will take several drawings of shoes, some with high heels, high black boots, work boots, etc., and draw on the board different people: a woman, a princess, a witch, a firefighter, a dancer, and children should determine the type of shoes that each draws. The teacher will ask questions such as what shoes match the board person so the student can have an opportunity to participate orally. Here you see the response of children from this activity is better or worse in relation to activity number one, if they changed the way they express verbally in public (in front of the class), among other things.

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