Explain the significance of WW1. Explain and apply the concepts of historically contingent and objective conflict to WW1.

\”Explain the significance of WW1. Explain and apply the concepts of historically contingent and objective conflict to WW1.\”

This is topic of essay. However, there are 6 questions in prompt which I uploaded. I just choose question number 6. However, If you want to change question, you can change it. Thus, please read prompt carefully.

I attached 4 lecture notes files and 1 Midterm Prompt & Instructions file. These must be cited on essay.

Fromkin, D. 2004. Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914? Knopf
(Entire) . This is reading for essay.
Thus, this reading must be cited on essay.

Both lecture and reading must be cited.

No other sources are allowed, so please use only lectures and Fromkin\’s book.

Thus, please read prompt carefully and follow the prompt.

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