functions of management


Market leaders’ managers and leaders lead their organisations by devoting company’s resources, procedures, convections, and business ethics towards accomplishment of business goals. For organisations to achieve the stated objectives and goals, managers need to implement and follow four functions of management. Essentially, management is solving problems applying creativity in organisations. According to Mitchell & Casey (2007), management and leadership are essential for all organisations including police force. The four functions of management are planning, organisations, staffing and directing, and controlling. In business operations, these functions are used as creative tools and applications to solve problems. This paper examines their applicability in police department. Importantly, the paper relates the creative applications of the four functions in the police department management and leadership.


               Planning is the basic function of management. In police department, planning is assumed as an ongoing process of management. This function is applied in developing department’s mission and objectives. It includes all the perspectives of the department ranging from the broadest view to the narrowest view of managing department operations.   According to Mitchell, & Casey, (2007) planning facilitates deciding the journey towards success in the policing department. Planning determine the courses of actions to achieve department mission, objectives, and goals. Planning is thus a systematic creative thinking ways and means to achieve organisation set targets.

Police department ensure proper, effective, and efficiency utilization of both financial and non-financial resources through planning. Police leaders and senior officer apply the creative function to manage resources effectively thus shunning uncertainties, risks and wastages of department resources. It requires the police administration to assess, evaluate, and determine where the organisation is presently and setting goals and objectives to be attained in the future.  The opposite of the function is regarded as informal planning that means unsystematic and lack of proper coordination in operations. Lack of planning function in organisations especially in police department causes improper accountability of resources; department become short sighted, and increases probability of crisis management (Mitchell & Casey, 2007).

Organising function

               Resources need to be organised in an orderly manner to facilitate accomplishment of department goals. Planned alternative courses of actions need to be put in practise through resources organisation. Through organising, department is able to assign different duties and obligations to the employees/junior officers and create a hierarchy of command system within the department.  This is usually done by organising the planned targets, and providing priorities in a systematic orderly manner that ensures no deviations from the predetermined targets. Besides all the plans being organised, the department assign job to be done, and appraise the progress of the job. This enables a smooth progress towards attaining goals in the department. Some of the advantage that accrues due to organising function within the department include coordination and promote creativity. In addition, good organisations of resources and organisation structure facilitate organisation growth and provide a hierarchy of power and authority (Mitchell, & Casey, 2007).

Staffing and leading

               Staffing refers to filing organisations internal positions. It involves recruiting, hiring, training and development, continuous appraisal, promotions and transfers, and compensations programs in organisation. Leadership is another vital function in organisation and especially in police department (Mitchell & Casey, 2007). In a nut shell, managers refer the function as process of manning organisation structure and putting the right personnel at the right position. The objective of the function is to provide conducive working environment, creating friendly employees relationship and solving organisations problems and conflict accordingly. This enables managers to confine within department dynamics and leadership styles in their management job. Communication is another pillar for staffing and leading. Successful managers implement and develop effective communication systems within the organisation. Successful communication further improves coordination, organisation of resources, and helps police seniors within the department to direct plans effectively.


               This is the fourth and the last function of management. The function involves setting of performance standards based on predetermines objectives. The process establish performance standard, measure performances, compare actual and predetermined performances and take corrective actions to control deviations. Police department controlling function involves measuring and controlling subordinates, with a view to accomplish goals and objectives desired. According to Koontz & Weihrich, (2006) controlling refer to the process of checking the progress towards goals and objectives and if need arise, taking corrective courses of actions to correct or prevent deviations. The department’s controlling functions focus on ensuring that, everything occurs conventionally with the standards established or predict any deviations putting preventive strategies in place. Seniors overcome consequences of deviations through proper communication and implementing excellent control systems. In addition, the department controls are developed to affect the personnel. Behaviours control is the primary target by the control systems implemented in police departments (Mitchell & Casey, 2007). Behaviours conforming to the organisation’s goals increases effectiveness in communication, reduce interpersonal conflicts, and enhance employees’ satisfaction. The outcome of proper control system is successful goals and objectives achievement.


 Organisation’s efficiency and effective management apply all the functions of management accordingly, leading to successful objective attainment. The four functions provide a platform in which managers and leaders work with creativity to solve organisations problems. Police department has to look and implement a feasible process of achieving desired goals and objectives.  Adoption to the four managerial functions leads to successful achievement of organisations goals.

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