(Hamelink, 1997), explains what it is ICT. According to him, ICT is advancing in technological relationship, which assists in moving information and delivering communication between either two or more parties in the same or different places. ICT is delivered through unique technological systems which work in three basic orders. These are tools that enable information storage, retrieval, communication and giving out information. They include tools such as; CD-ROMs, Application Software, and Local area networks. These tools work in collaboration to enable success in the ICT industry.
Information and Communication Technology, basically entails overall combination of telecommunication systems, which before were called the telephone communication system. This telephone communication system used cables, and with the advancement in the technology, there is availability of the internet and mobile phones which has changed the whole system and moved it up to greater levels. ICT is not basically mobile phones and the internet. It is a whole combination of both the audio, as well as the video spreading media. In addition, ICT also provides for the handing out and spreading of both the audio and video broadcasting.
ICT is also used to mean junction, which basically is a union to cut down in cost. It is achieved by combining audio, visual in a networked communication system manner, to make them all in one by a single cabling link via a computer. The major economic incentive is cost saving for it cuts down or rather eliminates telephone networking, which turns out to be expensive due to cables and staff for trucking the safety and many more other operating charges involved.
Information and Communication Technology has revolutionized the world, intriguing central stage in all human accomplishments. This is through everyday’s activity, which includes trade, relaxation as well as way of life. The one controlling fact about Information and Communication Technology is that it has some values, and these values are not free. There are losers and winners in the industry of Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication Technology. In losers, we have businesses which are thrown out of operations by the Information and Communication Technology, and in winners there are businesses which benefit immensely from the Information and Communication Technology Hughes, T. (1999). Example of losers is like the cable industry which supplied telecommunication landline fixed telephones. They were put out of business by the invention of mobile phones, and as winners, the manufacturing company for the mobile phones benefited. This has led to negative consequences for some stakeholders.
Information and Communication Technology has unified the world, making it become a global village, were people communicate effectively, and swiftly. In the society Information and Communication Technology has taken center stage. It is through Information and Communication Technology that language barrier has been outlived. Social sites such as the facebook, twitter, Skype among others have lessened the strain of communication between two or more parties. A demerit context in this Information and Communication Technology system today is that, the aged tend to find it hard to trying to understand the whole system. As the saying, “change is inevitable,” and it is as good as a rest. Much of that change is receiving challenge from some of the countries. This inability to adapt to the rapid changes in technology is as a result of some people not being in a position to adopt due to poverty, geographical location or lack of access to technology.
Nevertheless, it is evidently proven that, Information and Communication Technology is not as highly implemented in schools as much as it is done in the business arena Hughes, T. (1999). This comes with different theories from different people. There are those who argue that, Information and Communication Technology is costly to implement, and that it is expensive to put it in schools and have effective impact to the students. There are also those who argue that, due to the current system of education, to implement Information and Communication Technology is proving difficult due the direct involvement and contact of the teacher and the students. Those schools which have tried to use tools available for Information and Communication Technology have improved in their mode of education. By so doing, it has uplifted the standards of the education within their institutions. This comes with three main benefits,
Providing Distance learning where students do not have to physically be in the same campus or school in order to receive the same lectures. With the Information and Communication Technology, information concerning learning material can be shared through the internet via the computers. This serves as a cost reduction incentive, and with it in place, such kind of institution will have improved in its service delivery
The other important aspect and which will be as a result of implementing Information and Communication Technology in schools and other learning institutions is it will increase networking opportunities. This will enable different schools to communicate easily and also the students will be in a better position to link between each other. This can be more effective in the developing countries and the students in the rural areas
The last benefit from implementing Information and Communication Technology in learning institution is that, it will supplement traditional learning methods. In this case, you find that students will adapt the rapid changes in technology. Students will use software’s such as Microsoft word, and do assignments which initially were done using hand. This turns out to be more fast and effective.
As a result of successful integration of the Information and Communication Technology in the leaning institution, there are several challenges, as well as benefits. By making Information and Communication Technology in learning environment, there will be an increased access to resources. Traditionally, as soon as the lessons were over, students used to go home as their respective classrooms remained closed. With the Information and Communication Technology, this has changed, and students have a lot to learn through the internet even after lessons McConnell, D. (1998).
Another benefit of implementing Information and Communication Technology is that it creates a centered leaning for the students. By this students tend to be in control of their learning objectives. Students have the opportunity to decide on how to present materials in class. For instance by using Microsoft power point presentation, this will enable students to have a free discussion, which at the end facilitates effective learning.
Unlike the commonly known method of lectures delivered verbally, with less demonstration and practical’s, with Information and Communication Technology, students are in a position to interact with each other. By this, the students will share what they have learned, making it interactive learning experience. Eventually, it has increased access to those students with special needs, such as slow learners and the disabled. It is also effective for the institutions in developing countries.
Apart from Information and Communication Technology being all mans cake; it also has its downfalls, or rather shortcomings. One major disadvantage of Information and Communication Technology is its initial cost. By implementing Information and Communication Technology into a current learning environment, it comes with high costs. This is because the current infrastructure will have to be updated in order to accommodate the new ICT infrastructure. Another cost associated with this is the need to u grade on the teaching material as well as human labor and teaching methodology McConnell, D. (1998).
Despite all the goodness with the Information and Communication Technology, school administrators have second thoughts on whether to fully integrate Information and Communication Technology in their learning environment due to uncertainty success rate. Also as a shortcoming of Information and Communication Technology, some current teachers are not fully acquainted with full knowledge of how to undertake certain topics about Information and Communication Technology. Therefore this calls for extra teacher training, turning out to be costly to the institution. But nevertheless, there is requirement of new training Information and Communication Technology teachers
In a nutshell, Information and Communication Technology holds the key to the future generations’ success. It is therefore mandatory for implementation and integration of Information and Communication Technology into the existing learning environment, for it has more benefits than disadvantages. It is also through this channel that the world has become a world village. This is as a result of ICT. School administrators should out source for funds and ensure that they have implemented the ICT infrastructure in their learning system.
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