Identifying a Problem
In our work place and at home we encounter different problems that alter our lives in one way or another. Making the right decisions or rather approaching these problems well allows us to manage them well. The problem that I have encountered at my working place is autism.
Autism is a group of developmental problems usually called autism spectrum disorder that appears in children at an early age before the age of three (Mayo Clinic, 2013). The symptoms of this disorder also manifest among adults. The symptoms are severe and mostly affect the ability of the child to interact with others and to communicate effectively with others.
As stated earlier, this problem occurs mostly among children aged below the age of three years. However, there are cases where adults are also affected by the disorder. Therefore, this disorder cuts across all the ages. Autism is a disorder that has attracted a lot of research on its causes and how it can be managed efficiently. The US is one of the countries that are highly affected by high prevalence cases of autism. The latest statistics indicate that in 91 children, one is usually diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder. The rate has also increased from the 1980s as approximately 2 to five children in 10000 were diagnosed. The exact cause of this disorder has not yet identified by scientists but most of them suggest that both the environment and genes play a key role in the development of the disorder. There are three major noticeable signs and symptoms of this disorder that are manifest in the children. These include social impairment, communication difficulties and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Parents, teachers and health workers should take immediate action when they notice a child exhibiting these symptoms. Diagnosis involves a two-stage process (National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), 2013). The first stage is screening on the development of a child and is normally done by an early childhood provider or a pediatrician. Those children that are found with a developmental problem are then referred for additional evaluation. The second stage involves evaluation by a doctor and other healthcare providers with a range of skills and specialties. During this stage, the doctor may diagnose the child with autism or another developmental disorder.
This disorder as noted earlier has some impacts on the lives of the child. It hinders the child from socializing and interacting with others and if not well managed may cause a lifelong impairment to the cognitive development of the child. Raising a child with autism takes a toll to the parents as it causes a lot of stress to them (Solomon & Chung, 2012). They have to ensure that the child is well taken care of and assist the child in almost all its activities. Therefore, this may be tedious and stressful to the parents. There is a need for the society and the parents to understand the problem and take the necessary measures to help in its management.
Even though there is no effective cure for this disorder, early treatment is preferable. Some of the options include using school-based programs, getting proper medical care to help reduce symptoms, behavioral therapies to improve cognitive, language skills, and the other medication (National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), 2013. Parents and families play a key role in the management of these problems. Parents can identify the disorder easily and seek for interventions. They also help the child to learn and to cope with the situation enabling the child to increase in the ability to grow and learn new skills.
In conclusion, autism is a disorder that affects most children and can be managed at the early stages. Parents should be able to support their children and seek for early interventions to help their children to develop proper communication skills, socialise and develop learning abilities. The disorders can be managed if all stakeholders combine their efforts to eradicate it.
Mayo Clinic. (2013). Autism. Retrieved from:
National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), (2013). Autism spectrum disorder. Retrieved from: developmental-disorders/index.shtml
Solomon, A., & Chung, B. (2012). Understanding Autism: How Family Therapists Can Support Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Family Process, 51(2):250-264.
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