Job Motivation among Healthcare Workers



Job Motivation among Healthcare Workers

Every patient is entitling to better healthcare services. According to Lambrou et al (2010), managers from various healthcare centers need to ensure that they create better environment that would enforce provision of high standard healthcare services. Although there are different approaches that healthcare managers can use to improve their services, Demirkaya (2012) recommended that motivation of workers is the best method of improving healthcare services. Similarly, Yidong and Xinxin (2013) suggested that healthcare managers should come up with proper strategies of ensuring workers motivation is achieved within the organization. Therefore, they are required to understand various theories that affect workers motivation in relation to ethical leadership. Yidong and Xinxin (2013) explained that understanding of the motivation theories is important when enforcing employees’ motivation within the healthcare sector because they influence innovative reactions of the workers. For instance, Yidong and Xinxin (2013) believed that innovative of the organizational employee’s is absolutely related to discernment of the employee’s through the influence of ethical leadership.

Likewise, Cong and Nguyen (2013) also echoed on the importance of focusing on ethical leadership in job motivation. Therefore, Cong and Nguyen (2013) suggested that in order for employers to achieve effective workers motivation, they need to develop better policies that are friendly to their workers. It is through these policies that will help managers to determine methods of workers motivation. This indicates that the level of job motivation within the healthcare centers depends on the steps and approaches taken by employers towards better healthcare practices. Correspondingly, Michael (2013) also touched on the role played by employers towards the realization of effective job and workers motivation. Michael (2013) clarified that employers are the determinant of effective job motivation within their premises. Therefore, results of workers and job motivation will depend on the policies developed in relation to the job motivation approaches used. Consequently, Michael (2013) warned that wrong choice of motivation approaches would bear no fruit to the organization and workers as well; therefore, employers must ensure they motivate their workers in acceptable manner.

Even though Pepe (2010) also has concern on the approaches and methods used by employers towards the realization of successful job motivation, Pepe (2010) focus majorly on various internal factors that hinders effective workers motivation. Through a research study, Pepe (2010) realized that for an organization to have a successful process of job motivation, proper communication and good relation must be upheld. Therefore, proper communication should be realized through downward communication, which is the communication from managers to the workers, upward communication that allow communication from workers to their seniors and horizontal communication that allows communication among members of the organization in the same department. On the issue of internal communication in relation to the realization of effective workers motivation, Pepe (2010) indicated that employers should promote effective communication especially between workers and their supervisors.

Various ways exist that would allow effective internal communication of an organization. For instance, Pepe (2010) explained that supervisors need to divide organizations activities and group their workers in a manner that promote teamwork. Moreover, they need not to overwork their workers as this will discourage employees and affect their performance. Equally, Michael (2013) also stressed that supervisors need to guide workers by providing any necessary information promptly so as to enhance the performance of the workers. Therefore, through proper flow of information, employers will have easy time in promoting effective job motivation. According to Pepe (2010), through direct influence and encouragement of the supervisors to employees on the importance of working towards the objectives of the organization, an organization has high chances of achieving effective workers motivation.

Through the information provided by Lambrou et al (2010), it indicates that not all the approaches employed by employers towards the realization of successful motivation of workers will produce better results. Therefore, before taking any step in ensuring employees motivation, Lambrou et al (2010) warns that managers should consider the five approaches in order select the best based on their understanding of the organization workers. Through the research conducted by Lambrou et al (2010), there are five recommended workers motivation approaches. These include building of satisfaction on employees, which is achieved through the creation of friendly working environment capable of attracting and maintaining organizational employees. Another approach that can be selected by employers is the motivation of workers through genuine appreciation via recognition of workers who perform recommendable work. Whereas Maharjan (2012) also explained that the third approach that employers may use in ensuring better job motivation through recognition and the fourth approach is through inspiration of workers as viewed by Lambrou et al (2012). Lastly, Cho and Perry (2011) provided compensation as the fifth approach of motivating workers within healthcare centers. This is achieved through positive influence and participation of seniors in performing activities of the organization. For instance, managers and other top officials need to participate in some of the organization activities such as cleanliness.

In support of the above approaches applied in organization workers motivation, Cho and Perry (2011) also realized that some other three factors exist, which influence intrinsic motivation. They include defectiveness, managerial trustworthy and extrinsic incentive expectation. This shows that intrinsic motivation directly associates with workers satisfaction and return intention. Likewise, Adair (2006) also elucidated that the two factors, goal directedness and trustworthiness facilitate intrinsic inspiration among workers satisfaction. Adair (2006) besides warned that extrinsic rewards expectancy may cause decrease of the leverage; hence, should be taken into consideration by employers in the process of practicing job motivation among the employees.

An issue of concern that should be taken into consideration is the existence of workers superiority of as a result of job motivation. When conducting their study, Cong and Nguyen (2013) found that employers should avoid using job motivation approaches that would create superiorities among workers. For instance, Cong and Nguyen (2013) warned managers that they should only concentrate to lower rank workers in the realization of job motivation as they are the main organ of the production of the organization. Therefore, employers should avoid giving privileges to managers in the same department as this may cause wrangles within the organization resulting to internal conflicts. However, in promoting job motivation among managers in the same department, employers need to come up with better ways that would promote horizontal communication as these departments do operate as a whole towards obtaining the organizational plans (Adair, 2006).

In the realization of effective motivation of workers towards better performance, Dinibutun (2012) is concerned on the concentration on different theories that drives this process. Based on a study conducted by Dinibutun (2012), these theories are of great importance as they help employers in clarifying the personality of job motivation. In joining hands on the importance of job and workers motivation theories is Michael (2010), who proved that with the help of these motivation theories, employers have better chances of selecting appropriate motivation approaches by considering various impacts of direct and indirect influences of the approaches relied on. Hence, by considering the above concern over job motivation as provided by Michael (2010), employers will have the opportunity of enacting norms that would reflect better strategies of enforcing an effective workers and job motivation within their working environs.

Maharjan (2012) also focus on the importance of facilitating effective motivation among employees through improved performance. Although one might think that it is the organization that benefits from job motivation initiative but Maharjan (2012) found that all the members of the organization such as workers, managers, patients and employers do benefit from positive job motivation. Therefore, according to Maharjan (2012), with the realization of working job motivation process, workers have the prospect to benefit in various ways. For instance, they have the ability to earn extra money as hard working patients may be allowed by the organization to take part in overtime jobs that are well paid as compared to the normal hours jobs. Apart from getting extra earning, Yidong and Xinxin (2013) realized that workers are entitled to compensations, recognition, receiving of gifts and other free services of the organization based on the approach used by the employers in practicing job motivation among the employees.

Same to workers, employers are also the beneficiaries of positive job motivation within the organization (Ishfaq & Talat, 2012). Though they may not be entitle to compensation and recognition as organization workers, employers benefit from better production of healthcare services provided by their firm, which in the process result to attraction of many customers resulting to the realization of better profit. Ishfaq and Talat (2012) also explained that through the realization of appropriate effective job motivation, employers have the opportunity of expanding their healthcare centers through the returns of the organization. Some of the expansion of the organization is through technological development of the organization to reflect the current technology.

Moreover, mangers of the organization also benefits from effective job motivation process (Demirkaya, 2012). For instance, through the division of labor among the assigned workers in every department of healthcare centers, the management performance is determined by the performance of the workers at their departments. In providing better services to the organization and its clients, mangers are awarded for the good job done. Although patients may be considered as a party that belongs to external environment, they appear to be the main beneficiaries of the process of job motivation among healthcare employees as provided by Adair (2006). For instance, with the effective workers motivation process, patients are in the position of receiving better medication through better diagnosis, appropriate treatment, receiving of any information regarding their medication and private keeping of their information as some of the information provided by patients is private and confidential. In addition, Michael (2010) also added that job motivation would ensure that workers ensures cleanliness in their premises that would grant patients conducive environment for their medication as some patients must be admitted at these healthcare centers.

According to Pepe (2012), the process of motivating employees within the organization may not be easy due to various obstacles that may hinder its achievement. For instance, the selected approach of enforcing better job motivation may be expensive to the organization. Therefore, although the approach may be effective to the realization of job and workers motivation of an organization, it may be impossible for the organization to involve in motivation activities as echoed by Lambrou et al (2010). Hence, managers need to countercheck the performance of the organization in terms of its productions and returns, and then consider an appropriate approach of job motivation. Similarly, Michael (2012) who also touched on the issues within the research study, alert employers to choose the cheapest but most appropriate approaches for practicing employees motivation. Consequently, the approach should favor all the employees so as avoid rejection of the offer by the parties involved. In addition, in order to avoid rejection of the motivation approach selected, employers should ensure they involve workers to seek opinion on the acceptable approach. Then they need to use such opinions to come up with the most appropriate selection.

In summary, due to the importance of job motivation among employees within the healthcare sector such as better healthcare services, various healthcare centers should enforce the practice (Adair, 2006). This would help in provision of demand healthcare services such as better diagnosis. Therefore, employers need to relay on various steps and methods of motivation process, incorporate them with the motivation theories so as to ensure operational job motivation. Moreover, employees should also understand that provision of better services to the people should be a mandatory service that should be maintained even in the absence of effective job motivation among them.


Adair, J. (2006). Leadership and Motivation: The 50/50 Rule. London: Kogan Page.

Cho, Y.J & Perry, J.L. (2012). “Intrinsic Motivation and Employee Attitudes Role of Managerial Trustworthiness, Goals Directedness, and Extrinsic Reward Expectancy” Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32(4): 382-406

Demirkaya, H. (2012). “The Relationship Between Motivation Tools and Job Satisfaction” The Business Review, 20(2), 103-110.

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Maharjan, S. (2012). “Association between work motivation and job satisfaction of selected oil and gas industry in Lagos, Nigeria” African Journal of Business Management, 4(3): 299-307.

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Yidong, T & Xinxin, L. (2012). “How ethical leadership influence employees’ innovative work behavior: A perspective on intrinsic motivation” Journal of Business Ethics. Pp. 1-15.



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