Jomini discussing his ideas on the Principles of Warfare

Write an five to seven (5-7) page position paper on the following question:The final is a “Slice of Life” history paper – AN EXAMPLE OF A SUCCESSFUL SLICE OF LIFE PAPER IS POSTED IN BOTH THE COURSE CONTENT AREA OF THE COURSE AND THE CONFERENCES AREA UNDER THE SLICE OF LIFE CONFERENCE.Choose one role from those offered below that represents one of our four course modules. Research this topic and write a Human Interest Paper. One must write from a Third (3rd) person perspective, as if interviewing this person and then telling his/her story in light of the struggles of the era they lived in.Make the paper historically relevant and utilize course themes such as the nine principles of war, the major warfare theorists, warfare strategy and its impact on the world around it, technology and weapons, societal pressures, cultural challenges, difficulties of warfare (both physical and mental), political struggles, etc.Make sure to emphasize the 9 Principles of Warfare in your paper. Relate these ideas to your subject in the paper.You must utilize at least 3 primary sources from the era you select, and at least 5 secondary sources (your texts from the course will count toward this total).At the end of the paper, I should have a very solid grasp on why this person’s contribution to the Principles of Warfare is important and should be studied.I also attached another list if the writer would like to choose his/her own topic that is available on the list. Its in the additional material.

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