Management Information Systems – Big Brothers against Privacy Concerns

Part 1: In an age where
 schools spy on students using laptops and hidden cameras,
 companies like Google not only knows everything about us, but also have a hidden agenda (sneaky Google),
 government entities request our data from Facebook and Microsoft approximately 10,000 times in a six months period,
 companies which collect confidential data call it treason to tell us how they share our data with the government, maybe because the government threatens them to release their data,
 police can spy over a whole town in real-time,
 governments not only don’t know how their own illegal wiretapping actually works but also share their citizens’ intercepted communications with other governments,
 new regulations are being prepared to make Internet wiretapping easier, and
 PRISM recalls more than the colors of the rainbow, do you think we already have a Big Brother? Is it OK if our government watches over us with programs like PRISM? What do you think when non-government establishments (companies, schools, etc.) watch us as in the examples of the first readings? Do you think governments have a  right to control non-government surveillance while they are becoming a big brother themselves?
Part 2: Do you think a global hacker group such as Anonymous or “whistleblowers” like Edward Snowden is a solution to the Big Brother threat? What is your opinion about websites like WikiLeaks? Do you think WikiLeaks is helping us by protecting our freedom of information
and our rights as a citizen or hindering our security by giving away government secrets? If governments decide what should be available to public, do you think this is still considered “freedom” of information. Which side are you on, the hackers who are for or against WikiLeaks?
 Check out WikiLeaks website (if it is working) and some of their tweets
 Check out what/who Anonymous is and their activities during the last couple of years
 Check out who Edward Snowden is and how he relates to PRISM
 Read about WikiLeaks on Wikipedia. Look at their leaks between 2011-2014
 Who Are the ‘Anonymous’ Hackers Supporting WikiLeaks?
 Foot Soldiers for Wikileaks: 27,000 Download Attack Software Overnight

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