Coursework title ‘Designing and developing a new type of product and its
quality assessment’
Required length/word limit 2500 Word Report
Learning Outcomes for
1. Discuss the theories, evaluate and implement the
knowledge and tools of operations/innovation
2. Critically review the design of operations systems;
analyse the planning and control mechanisms
3. Understand the importance and impact of
technological change in business operations
4. Critically identify and discuss the contemporary
operational issues that organizations face
Learning Outcomes
addressed in this assignment
Safe Assign
Please note that all written work must be submitted through Safe Assign as well as in
hard copy. Your submission will not be considered complete until you have submitted both
in hard copy and via Safe Assign.
Coursework Outline
As an Operations Manager with an organisation operating in one of the following
sectors – Grocery, Clothing, Electronics,you are planning to introduce a new type
of product to your organisation.
Prepare a report that can be distributed to the senior managers to participate in
your organisations’ product development programme.
Ysgol Rheolaeth a Busnes
School of Management and Business
Your report should include:
Discuss the reasons why you are introducing a new type of product to your
In your report, you need to define and critically examine the product design
and development strategy, and assess its quality
How the product helps the relevant sector to increase the sale and capture
It will be necessary for you to include references to journals, books, websites,
relevant cases, and models in the report.
A front sheet (details of student ID) must be completed and submitted with the
STUDENT – PLEASE NOTE. You must begin your work with the following statement:
This assignment is my own work, presented in my ownwords, ALL sources of information
have been cited and any direct quotations are contained within quotation marks.
Late Submission of Assessed Work
There is a new policy on penalties for late submission, which will apply across all three
Faculties from 2012/13. Deadlines for written work are taken seriously. Students need to
manage their time responsibly so that they can submit work on time.
• Assessments must be submitted to the Department according to individual
departmental requirements and published deadlines.
• Work submitted after the deadline will be awarded a zero.
• A resit will be allowed if the module is failed overall.
Special Circumstances
Students may submit an appeal on the basis of special circumstances for an assessment
that is unavoidably submitted late. Special circumstances will normally only be considered
on the following grounds, with appropriate supporting documentation:
• Illness
• Severe personal/family problems (e.g. family bereavement)
The following will not be considered as special circumstances:
• Computer failure (you should ensure adequate backups)
• Printer queues (you should manage your time better)
• Lack of access to resources (better planning will ensure this does not happen)
• Illness for which a medical certificate is not available
• Poor time management
• More than one deadline on the same day
• Inability to answer question or struggling with thematerial
• Crisis Games, Performance Productions, or Departmental study trips
• Non-academic activities
The School has a policy that students will normallyreceive feedback on their work within 3
working (i.e. term-time) weeks of the submission deadline and before the commencement
of examination periods. This provision may not apply to some modules where the timescale
is infeasible given the demands of marking (e.g. project modules) or where feedback would
not materially enhance the student’s progress (e.g.where it is worth 100% of the module
Bad and Unfair Practice
Please familiarise yourself thoroughly with the University’s regulations on bad and unfair
practice. Submission of your assignment will be taken as confirmation that you have read
and understood these regulations. If in doubt, please seek guidance from academic staff.
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