Product design and Development

QUESTION NO.1 (15 marks):
Present and discuss about Concurrent Engineering (CE) and Traditional Engineering (TE) (or Sequential Engineering), especially the similarities and differences between CE and TE.
Discuss about the number of design changes in Traditional Engineering and Concurrent
Engineering before the start of production.
Explain why the number of design changes in Traditional Engineering is bigger than the number of design changes in Concurrent Engineering before the start of production.
 Note: Maximum number of words: 1000

QUESTION NO.2 (15 marks):
Present about inputs and outputs of Concept Design, Embodiment Design and Detail Design. Present and discuss in the importance of Design Documentation in Detail Design.
 Note: Maximum number of words: 1000

QUESTION NO.3 (10 marks):
There has been an emerging need about the ergonomic design of a juicer (juice mixer and grinder) for office use, especially for juice extraction.
It is also required to have the compact design that occupies less space. Other features which consumers consider when purchasing a juice mixer and grinder include: (1) Large visible measurement marks, (2) Ease of use, (3) Low noise during usage, (4) Power usage typically 300-1000 watts, and (5) Ease of cleaning.
The cost for the juice mixer and grinder should be less than £1,000.
Requirements: Present the design brief for the above design problem.
 Note: Maximum number of words: 500

QUESTION NO.4 (60 marks):
Based on the design problem and design brief in Question No.3, you are required to demonstrate and implements the following key tasks of design and product development.
Question Q4-1(10 marks):
Develop the basic product design specification (PDS) of a developing product (a juicer) based on the need and metrics method. It is required to implement 3 main steps of developing PDS as follows:
(1) Step 1: Preparation of the matrix of interpretation of needs from customer needs,
(2) Step 2: Preparation of the metrics from the table of customer needs and interpretation of needs, and
(3) Step 3: Prioritisation of the needs and metrics as well as development of measures and values for the metrics.
 Question Q4-2: (10 marks):
Based on the needs and metrics in the basic PDS, develop the table of Quality Function Deployment to show the matching between the customer requirements or customer needs and engineering characteristics of a developing product (a juicer).
 Question Q4-3: (20 marks):
Implement the function analysis to develop the function diagram of a developing product (a juicer). It is required to present in details 4 steps which are used to develop the function diagram, including the following ones:
 Step 1: Using the mind-mapping techniques to prepare the inputs, outputs and functions.
 Step 2: Expressing the overall function for the design in terms of the conversion of inputs into outputs.
 Step 3: Breaking down the overall function into a set of essential sub-functions.
 Step 4: Drawing a functional diagram with logical information flows in which the block diagram shows logically the interactions between sub-functions.
 Question Q4-4: (10 marks):
Develop the morphological chart for generation of the design concepts or design solutions of a developing product (a juicer).
Based on the developed morphological chart, propose the principle design solution(s) or design concept(s) for a developing product (a juicer).
 Question Q4-5: (10 marks):
Develop and present a product architecture for a developing product (a juicer), based on the developed function diagram and selected principle design solution(s) or design concept(s).

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