Products and brands

Products and brands come loaded with meanings which we use to define ourselves


“Products and brands come loaded with meanings which we use to define ourselves.”

Using relevant theory and examples, critically discuss the statement above making particular reference to the ways in which products and brands have become part of consumer’s lives.

The focus should be on the following:

Values and meanings – how brands/products help to define the self and how these brands/products have become interwoven into the fabric of everyday life.
Examine the ‘culture of consumption’ – what does this mean? (Zukin and Maguire, Grant McCracken, Celia Lury, Mike Featherstone, Alan Aldridge, Solomon and Bamossy, Guliz Ger, the list goes on…!!)
Utilise the work of Russell Belk – ‘the extended self’ (how consumers are what they consume)
What techniques to marketers utilise (you’ve seen enough videos to come up with a few points!! Child marketing, fashion brand marketing, neuromarketing)

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