you will be creating patient-focused literature through a visually appealing, informative brochure that is meant for the general patient population.
Your Public Awareness Brochure will make full use of evidence-based research to accomplish two primary goals:
to support the importance of your topic in order to educate the general population;
to provide evidence-based information to your peers.
To that end, you will create a visually appealing, informational brochure about some aspect of the public health topic that you choose. It CAN NOT COVER all of the areas of information that you find important; patient literature tends to focus on ONE ASPECT of a topic (example: treatments for late stage breast cancer; potential signs of depression; strategies to reduce heart attack risk). Although you will be using 8 articles for your background research (so you have a somewhat comprehensive understanding of the topic), you should only cite those that have information included on the brochure.
Your brochure must be 2 pages long (both sides of a 8 1/2\” x 11\” piece of paper) with the following:
a two-panel brochure OR
three panel pamphlet OR
a two-sided handout.
Your brochure must also include:
At least 2 graphic elements (picture or graph that is meaningful to the topic); your graphics should supplement rather than replace textual information so please, DO NOT have more graphics than text!
A list of at least three or more patient resources (web resources, support groups, hotlines, resource centers, phone numbers, agencies)- this DOES NOT mean links to scholarly research. Remember, user-friendly and accessible!
Distinct sections with relevant information using non-expert (\”lay\”) language. All technical terms must be comprehensively defined.
A note about references: on your brochure, include only those references that are directly in your brochure. Cite those references using APA format at the end of your brochure. Use very small print (about 8 font). You will probably only use a small handful of the references from your annotated bibliography directly in the brochure. The rest will have provided you valuable context about your topic.
Include a SEPERATE REFERENCE PAGE that includes all consulted references. Therefore, you will be submitting 3 PAGES: your 2 PAGE BROCHURE and your 1 PAGE REFERENCE PAGE
There is not a word count requirement for this brochure; however, there should be more text than graphics; there should be minimal white space; the text should not be unduly large (nothing more than 14 pt font other than headers).
I have attached several examples of brochures/ pamphlets/ hand-outs for you to get an idea of what is possible!
Also, I have attached the Annotated Bibliography so that you will know the topic and you will have the references. please follow the instructions of the assignment CAREFULLY, and then choose one aspect of the topic.
please use the sources in the Annotated Bibliography as much as possible.
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