Executive summary
The following paper is a research paper based on the experiences at TEMC hospital which has been facing problems in terms of high staff turn over as well as failing to attract the best staff qualified to fill in the vacant positions i.e. doctors and other medical practitioners. The report looks at the possible reasons for failure in the area of RSP and proceeds to explain various ways in which their efforts could be improved. The report then proceeds provides a comprehensive step-by-step procedure for recruiting selecting and placing employees while emphasizing on methods of identifying the best candidates and making sure that the selected candidates fit in well in the hospital operations.
1.0 Introduction
Purpose and aim
The purpose of this report is to explore the various areas in which TEMC medical center fails in their bid to recruit, select and place new employees as well as explore the possible reasons for the high staff turnover in the medical center, and provide a possible effective criteri for conducting RSP
Scope and plan
In trying to find a solution of the failure in the RSP efforts at TEMC hospital, this report looks at the possible factors that could have lead to the problem and then goes further to explain the best practices in handling the RSP process to try and eliminate the problems encountered. The report does not go into the details of what specific qualities or the particular questions that seek to determine the best qualified medical personnel in the selection process.
Method used
The report is theoretical in nature and is a research conducted with the findings being based on various publications on the area recruitment, selection and placing in human resource. The knowledge is then applied in the case scenario of a hospital setting to suit the situation at TEMC hospital.
Assumptions and limitations
The assumption is that the process of employee recruitment and selection is similar in a majority of the organization and therefore TEMC medical center is in this report looked at as an organization seeking to improve their operations by addressing the quality of staff they hire. The research is limited by the fact that not many articles are published specifically addressing the area of human resource in a medical care center setting. Another assumption is that TEMC has been totally failing in all their RSP efforts hence the recommendations and discussion seeks to address all the areas in RSP.
Background information
‘Top End Medical Care’ (TEMC), a medical center located in the furthest west end of Australia has been struggling to improve their operations but their efforts have been met with failure caused particularly by poor human resource. The hospital deals with a wide range of medical practice and in the growing competition they wish to improve their services by hiring the best qualified and experienced doctors and other medical practitioners.
2.0 Discussion
2.1 Environmental and organizational issues affecting TEMC’s RSP efforts.
Efforts to recruit and select the most qualified doctors and medical practitioners have not born the expected fruits. This is seen in the few number of applications handed in response to the advertised vacancies and the fact that only recent graduates apply and not the respondents with experience as well as the high rate of employee turn over. Several reasons could be the cause for the TEMC’s failure in the area of RSP.
Political influences in the organizations operations and policies could be a major influence in the RSP process. In the area of recruitment for example, the government regulations state that any form of discrimination in hiring employees basing it on variables such as gender, disability or even the marital status is punishable in the court of law. Following these rules to the letter limits the scope of specification that TEMC can include in their bid to attract the best applicants (Gupta, 2007).
According to Hardy (2002), a factor that could influence these efforts is lack of enough finances to dedicate to the process of RSP. This could result in ineffective methods of advertising the vacancies. In order to attract the candidates who are best qualified and with experience, the advert should placed in a reputable media and should be allocated ample space to catch the attention and imply seriousness in the caliber of the invited applicants. The advertisement should also be placed on several media, a point that TEMC probably misses by concentrating on one media, so as to improve its awareness and hence increase the number of applicants in the position. (Synergyst, 2007).
A small number of respondents to the vacancy advertisement at TEMC could also be resulting from the social related factors. One such factor could be there is a tradition of high employee turn over. It has become a routine for medical practitioners working for TEMC to result in resigning and moving to other organizations. This being a well understood and known occurrence, it may result in candidates not wanting to apply or work for the medical center which explains the low number of applications turned in. As a result of this culture, employees working for TEMC have also accepted it as ‘normal’ to leave TEMC. This could be a resulting factor in the small number of applicants as well as employees moving to other organizations (McKee and Healy, 2002).
For the doctors working at a medical center to feel the need to stay with the institution, it calls for ensuring their needs are met and they are offered preferable conditions. A good example is offering them good housing within the medical center which would work as a motivator for them to want to remain with the organization. TEMC probably fails in this area resulting in the doctors wanting to move to where they enjoy such privileges. Employees working in such a condition will not feel motivated and may want to move to another organization. Lack of adequate finances could have resulted in TEMC not offering its staff an attractive salary package which results in the frequency in resignation of the medical personnel as they seek for better pay (Michaels, 2002).
Employee placing could also be a major contributor to the high staff turnover. Placing calls for assigning the right person the area they are qualified for. TEMC could be experiencing the problem of assigning the selected candidates to the positions that are right for their qualifications. This poses challenges to the new employee resulting in a case where they have a problem fitting in well implying their job satisfaction is low and they prefer to leave the medical center. According to Michaels (2002), the high employee turnover could be as a result of lack of employee development. Recruiting fresh graduates could solve these problems since these are willing to learn and develop with the center which will help in shaping the future vision of the medical center (Argence, 2008).
With the current advances in technology advancements, new working methods have to be put in place which calls for the staff to be abreast with the new technology. TEMC could as well be failing in this area which requires that you either recruit employees who have knowledge on working with the new technology or subject the current employees to the appropriate training to adjust to the new methods of operation. They could be failing in the area of training appropriately which means the employees do not get well acquainted with the new working methods and hence may lead to employee turn over. They could also be lurking in keeping pace with the new technological advancements which means that their operations are not up to speed resulting in the employees feeling demoralized to work in such an environment (McNamara, 2010).
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