RES 603- Advanced Data Management and Analysis (SCALING AND EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS)

Module 1 – SLP

The enclosed dataset (wiscsem.sav) is an SPSS file containing the subscale scores for the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children. The first two columns are subject code and age. The rest include scores on different areas of the exam.

Run exploratory factor analysis (principal components, no rotation) on the data. How many meaningful factors will you retain? Interpret them and give them names.
Run exploratory factor analysis (principal components, WITH Varimax rotation) on the data. How many meaningful factors will you retain? Interpret them and give them names.
Run exploratory factor analysis (principal components, WITH Promax rotation) on the data. How many meaningful factors will you retain? What is the correlation between the factors? Interpret them and give them names.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Be able to run different variants of EFA
Develop critical thinking regarding EFA.

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