Research paper Topic: Economics

Requirements of submission:  Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission will result in the paper not being graded.

Critical Elements    Distinguished     Proficient     Emerging     Not Evident     Value
Group Wiki and incorporation of feedback
Meets Emerging requirements and addresses all instructor feedback through incorporation or clarifying questions/dialogue with instructor.
(9-10)    Meets Emerging requirements and incorporates some of the instructor’s feedback throughout the progression of the project.
(8)    Student completes and submits all milestones by the due date.
(7)    Student submits incomplete milestones or does not submit by the due date.
(0-6)    10
Comprehensive final product
Addresses all of the main elements of the final product directly and includes additional elements that logically enrich and extend.
(14-15)    Addresses all of the main elements of the final product listed above directly.
(12-13)    Addresses all of the main elements of the final product listed above either directly or indirectly.
(11)    Does not address all of the main elements of the project listed above.

Provides a comprehensive overview of the company or industry.
(14-15)    Provides a good overview of the company or industry.
(12-13)    Briefly describes background information on the company or industry.
(11)    Fails to provide background information on the company or industry. (0-10)

Demand, Supply and Production Factors
Highlights key points including related to the demand, supply and production within the company or industry. Presents a well-defined context from a multiple perspectives.
(14-15)    Highlights key points related to the demand, supply and production within the company or industry. Provides a good definition of the context from multiple perspectives.
(12-13)    Briefly highlights key points related to the demand, supply and production within the company or industry.
(11)    Fails to highlight key points related to the demand, supply and production within the company or industry.


Analysis of Current Conditions and Market Structure
Provides an in-depth analysis of the current conditions and market structure.
(18-20)    Provides a good analysis of the current conditions and market structure.
(16-17)    Briefly analyzes the current conditions and market structure.
Fails to analyze the current conditions and market structure.


Incorporation of scholarly resources
Incorporates at least six properly cited scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research.
(14-15)    Incorporates at least four properly cited scholarly resources that reflect depth of research.
(12-13)    Incorporates at least two properly cited scholarly resources.
(11)    Does not incorporate at least two properly cited scholarly resources


No errors related to organization, grammar, and style.
(9-10)    Errors of grammar, organization, and style are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow.
(8)    Errors of grammar, organization, and style are limited enough that the paper is still able to be understood.
(7)    Errors of grammar, organization, and style make the paper difficult to understand.

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