Taxonomies, Pharmacy, and Clinical Vendors

1. The lecture notes discuss the importance of clinical taxonomies. Your response should be 1 double-spaced pages.

A. Why is a nursing taxonomy important? Do an Internet search to support your discussion along with your experience in the industry.

B. What is the advantage of having a unified language for nursing within the larger concept of a unified language system for the healthcare community?

C. What further research and developments are needed to move the nursing profession toward a unified language system?

D. Some physicians believe there should not be a nursing language and a physician language – only one language. What do you think?

2. Application Software Vendors

A. Conduct an Internet search and find software vendors who offer products in one or more of the categories listed below. Select two vendors from each of three categories and compare their features (e.g., compare two lab vendors, two CPOE vendors, and two e-prescription vendors). What similar functions do they offer? Where do they differ in their offerings? If available for each vendor, provide the name and address of each vendor, the number of years in business, their annual revenue and number of employees, and a profile of other products offered.

Your response should be a table format for easy comparison of vendors and features.

 Laboratory information systems

 Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems

 Pharmacy systems

 Radiology information systems

 Emergency department information systems

 Bedside computing

 E-prescription

 Home healthcare information systems

 Healthcare information systems (HIS) (defined as a vendor who believes they offer a complete solution for an organization’s information systems’ needs)

B. Let’s assume you have 2 healthcare information systems (HIS) vendors to whom you want to send a request for proposal (RFP). Why would you require each vendor to submit their proposals using the same submission format supplied by you?

C. Discuss your learning experience from the above vendor research.

3. Hospital ABC has identified an exceptionally high number of laboratory orders. This came about as they began to look at quality of care and the cost of diagnosing patients. They have asked you to design a report so the Chief of each service can review their respective physicians and determine if their laboratory ordering practices are appropriate. You are charged with advising the Chiefs as to what type of report(s) they will need and the format and data to be used on each report.

A. Discuss your advice to each Chief.

B. Draft a sample report. (HINT: Chiefs DO NOT usually have time to look at patient-specific reports.)

4. Insights to Pharmacy Information Systems (PIS) – Choose One Option for the below questions:

A. (Preferred) A Person to Person Interview with a pharmacist

B. Email the questions to a pharmacist, followed by a telephone interview. Note, the questions are simply to prepare the interviewee for your questions, and are NOT to be completed by the interviewee.

C. Provide Internet browser searches to support your responses to the questions. Be sure you have a supporting web reference embedded within each question and these references are current (published or updated within last three (3) years.)

Several features of pharmacies have made the implementation of information systems necessary. First, a pharmacy deals with large numbers of well-defined data and tasks. Second, pharmacists readily accept these systems. Visit, email or do a browser search with a hospital or retail pharmacy that uses a computer system to answer the below questions. Your response should be 1 double-spaced page.

A. Discuss how the pharmacist’s role has changed with the use of pharmacy information systems. Does the pharmacist consider himself or herself a clinician? Explain your answer.

B. What impact has the use of these information systems had on his or her clients/customers/patients?

C. How do pharmacists view the importance of laboratory systems? Does this pharmacist have access to lab data? Explain your response.

D. What are some of the trends pharmacists foresee in pharmacy information systems, and how will this change the pharmacist’s role in the future? Do they think pharmacists should be able to write prescriptions?

E. What is this pharmacist’s organization role with e-prescribing? Is e-prescribing mandatory is this State?

F. How do the clinical roles of retail and hospital-based pharmacists differ?

G. Ask your pharmacist for examples that would help explain Pharmacogenomics.

H. What changes in the next five years in the pharmacy information system (PIS) does the Pharmacist see to impact (1) patient quality of care, and (2) lower health costs?

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