Analyse the relationship established between a trend and the economic, cultural and technological context of a decade of the 20th or 21st century of your choice. Your analysis should define the trend, explain its emergence and development, position it within the wider context of the fashion world and outline its impact on the fashion industry.

Order Description

Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Identify key developments within the history of fashion from 1910 to present day including the main trends, cultural movements, innovations in textiles and materials from a fashion historical perspective.

LO3 Understand, assess and evaluate the various methods of Forecasting in Fashion.

LO5 Present the results of research in an appropriately written and illustrated format, which conforms to the Harvard Method Guidelines for Academic Presentation.


In this individual 2,000-word essay students are expected to address the areas indicated in the essay question in a coherent manner thus demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the dynamics underpinning trend forecasting and their application to a given historical, social and economic context.
Essay question:

Analyse the relationship established between a trend and the economic, cultural and technological context of a decade of the 20th or 21st century of your choice. Your analysis should define the trend, explain its emergence and development, position it within the wider context of the fashion world and outline its impact on the fashion industry.

The essay must be written in full adherence to the guidelines of the Harvard referencing system. Students are expected to refer to a range of academically valid sources to support and validate their argument.

Split the bibliography into 2 sections: publications and visuals (references for your images).


Your essay must:

Use Arial or Calibri font in size 11 same for headings, same for cover page.

1.5 spacing between the lines

Cover page

Istituto Marangoni

Manchester Metropolitan University


Smith, Mary

MMU number


24 May 2017

2,009 words


Your essay must include ALL the following parts. Each part must be identified with its heading, in bold.

– Introduction

– Contexts

– Development

– Conclusion

– Bibliography


– It should be short (between 3 to 5 sentences).

– Should contain:

– A short explanation of the trend and period

– A short description of what the essay will cover and how you must NOT use the I form.

Usually, you write your introduction once you have finished your research.


– 7 – 10 sentences should be enough.

– Describe the different contexts of the period (political, economical, social, and cultural)

– This section should be referenced from books.


This is the body of your work.

This section must be referenced from publications.


Summarize what you have discussed (3 to 5 sentences).

You must NOT add any new information in this section.


List only the sources you have used to write your text, in alphabetical order. Use Harvard Referencing System.



You can include images in your text. Each image should have a number (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc) and has to be identified. Under each image:

Fig.1 John Galliano for Dior, Autumn Winter 1998.

The reference (where you found the image) must appear only in the bibliography.


No quotes (whole sentences from books) are allowed in this essay.

*If you need to borrow an authors idea or information, you should paraphrase and reference accordingly, using Harvard Referencing System.


It is extremely important that you divide your text into paragraphs every 100 words or so, make sure to create a paragraph by inserting a double space.

Level of English:

– Make sure to run a UK Spelling Check before you hand your essay in.

– Use the UK terminology for fashion: trousers (for pants), bespoke (for custom made), jumper (for

sweater), trainers (sneakers), Autumn-Winter (for Fall-Winter).

Essay Plan

Now till now


– A short explanation of the Hollywood glamour trend and 1935 1945 period

-Explain where you see it as a trend, Holly examples ( Estelle Taylor )


Explaining its emergence and development

Describe the design


– Describe the different contexts of the period (political, economical, social, and cultural)


1935: Alliance Germany, Italy, Japan. Sanctions

1936: Popular Front. General Strike. New Markets

Civil War in Spain

1938: Pre-War Measures

1939: International Exhibition New York

September Invasion of Poland

War and Impact on French Fashion

Fashion Industry in the 1930s:

Protectionist Law:

– Tariff on French fashion exportations to US

– Toile instead of finished garment

First press release + collections

Silhouettes, Characteristics of Dress, Lingerie

WW2: 1940 1945

Contexts: June 1940: German occupation of Paris

December 1941: USA declare War on Japan

Italy and Germany declare War on USA

June 1944: D-day

8 May 1945: Paris is liberated by the allies

Germany surrenders to Western Allies

2 September 1945: Japan surrenders End of War

Development of Hollywood trend:

*FOCUS ON* ->1940s Hollywood glam
Move on to current day

*FOCUS ON* ->2017s Hollywood glam trend
Designers, Context in fashion world
Impact on industry now

Social context implication celebrities?

*Sum up on trend now
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