Explain the basic and extended security dilemma, and use it to briefly explain the origins of WW1.

Explain the basic and extended security dilemma, and use it to briefly explain the origins of WW1.
Content of the Paper:
– Cite BOTH Fromkin and lectures. To cite lectures please put the following
(Lecture, August ___, 2016) Fill in the appropriate date for the lecture.
– Answer the question fully and stay on topic. Strongest papers will propose
and support an argument.
– Please guard against plagiarism and rephrase lectures and Fromkin. Do not
copy or closely paraphrase any materials. Remember, plagiarism is punished
by UCSD. If you have questions, please contact a TA.
Formatting of the Paper:
– 6 pages (Works Cited does not count towards the 6 pages)
– 1” page margins
– Double Spaced
– Minimal Header: Name and PID is sufficient
Turning in the Paper
– There will be a turnitin.com assignment on TED. Please submit your paper
Points will be deducted for not following the above instructions.

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