The Great Consistency/Change Debate: Understanding Personality

The Great Consistency/Change Debate: Understanding Personality

Using Table 8-1 and the outline below, examine the literature and study findings related to personality development in older adulthood. Discuss the findings, criticisms, and current issues related to each theory, and reflect on the contributions they have made to the study of aging.
•Phase 1 – Focus on Change: The Kansas City Studies of Adult Life ◦Disengagement Theory
◦Activity Theory
◦Criticisms and Current Issues

•Phase 2 – Focus on Stability: Costa and McCrae’s Big Five Traits ◦Big Five Traits
◦Criticisms and Current Issues

•Phase 3 – Focus on Change: Exploring Life Stories, Goals, Priorities, and Hopes ◦McAdams and Generativity
◦Markus and Self-Schemas
◦Cartensen’s Socioemotional –Selectivity Theory

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