Choose one option for the below questions:
a. (Preferred) A Person to Person Interview with a radiologist or technologist.
b. Email the questions to a radiologist or technologist, followed by a telephone interview. Note, the questions are simply to prepare the interviewee for your telephone questions, and are NOT to be completed by the interviewee.
c. Provide Internet browser searches to support your responses to the questions. Be sure you have at least one supporting web reference embedded within each question and these references are current (published or updated within last three (3) years.)
Radiology Interview Questions:
A. How does the radiologist/technologist see the change from film to filmless technology? If need be, do an Internet search on using radiographic films vs. digital imaging. Ask questions such as the impact on storage, type of storage, exam turnaround time, patient safety, etc.
B. Ask the radiologist/technologist to discuss the economic and technological impact on the development of computerized imaging.
C. What is the radiologist’s/technologist’s opinion on teleradiology? Can he or she give you an example of how teleradiology is used? If not, do a Google search to find a case study of an experience with teleradiology.
D. Does this organization outsource the reading of radiology exams? If so, where. What is your interviewee’s opinion of this modality?
E. How important is it for the radiologist/technologist to have access to the laboratory information system? Give an example of a lab test needed by radiology.
F. Is radiology affected by CPOE? If the radiologist’s/technologist’s organization does not use CPOE, how does he or she see radiology eventually being impacted by CPOE?
G. Where does the radiologist/technologist see the RIS in the next 5 years?
2. Write a brief (1- page) review of articles(s) as assigned by your instructor in the previous unit.
3. Search the Internet and find 3 healthcare information system vendors that offer an EMR. Create one table showing these EMR vendors with column headings:
a. Vendor name,
b. Vendor EMR product names,
c. ONC EMR CERTIFIED: Yes, No, Not Available
d. Reference where you found this vendor’s EMR software is Office of National Coordinator (ONC) approved EMR Certification.
Lesson 3.2 Project Situation: Project Progress
1. Develop a plan for the ongoing management of the project. Remember, we are “pretending” here, so think outside of the scope of your immediate project. Describe the following:
A. Who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the system?
B. Who repairs/debugs the system?
C. Who will update changes or additions to the system?
D. What happens when there are terminations, illnesses, and vacations?
E. How does Parkinson’s Law relate to a post-implementation study?
F. Search the Internet to locate examples of a cost/benefit analysis. For this part of the assignment, list in a table and/or graph format the dollar value of all the costs and benefits of your project. You may find it difficult to put a monetary value on some things; however, please try to do this. Finally, justify the amounts you have selected. Assume this cost justification is being presented to a Steering Committee who needs to decide whether to approve your project or not.
G. Select two examples of intangible value. Propose one or more approaches that an organization might use to measure each of those values. (Wager, Lee & Glaser,
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