What were the causes of the Civil War?

Part 1 Directions: You need to answer all parts of the question below. You must explain examples fully (as though to someone unfamiliar with the topic). The essay must be written in full sentences and paragraphs. This essay will be worth 45 points of your exam grade.
Question: What were the causes of the Civil War? Address the following in your response: Wilmot Proviso, Fugitive Slave Law, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Underground Railroad, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Bleeding Kansas, Dred Scott decision, and Harpers Ferry, and the 1860 Republican Platform, including free labor and tariffs.
What might the US have done other than go to war over these issues? Do you think these alternatives would have prevented the war, or simply postponed it?

Part 2 Directions: drawing on the film, We Shall Remain: The Trail of Tears, do you think the Treaty of New Echota was legal? Why, or why not? (15 points)

Part 3 Directions: How did slavery shape social relations between wealthy and poor whites in the South? (15 points)

Part 4 (extra credit, up to 20 points): There is an expression that says “All’s fair in love and war,” meaning that rules don’t apply to these areas of human interaction. However, there are rules for both today. For example, you can get a restraining order on someone who is stalking you even if they “love” you. There are also rules for war today. During the Civil War, the practice of “total war” was not illegal, but it was viewed as dishonorable. However, it was also viewed as necessary for the North to win. Give an example of a total war strategy used by the North in the Civil War and explain whether or not you think it should have been legal.

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